Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ode To Ross

Oh how I love you Ross
with all your clothes galore.
I can spend hours with you on end,
you are my favorite store.

Thank you for bringing me
so much happiness and joy.
You give me everything I need
and help me look stylishly coy.

The End


Lane Gang said...

Thanks for the laugh, you are so funny.

Andrew and Annalise Lange said...

You are too cute...and you really need to show me how to shop at Ross because I never find anything there. :)

Rachel C said...

You're a geek!

Ben and Lindsay said...

Jess I love you!

Natasha said...

lol i love it! You are such a poet!

Kelly & Jamie said...

I need to go there! You are too cute jess!