Friday, February 20, 2009

Harlem Globe Trotters

Grandma got all of us tickets to the Harlem Globe Trotters. It was super fun-especially since we were all together! (The 7 grandkids) And I haven't seen this show in a long time, and Shane had never been. Brody loved it-so did Chase!

Everyone but Shane (taking the picture), Angie and Jamie (left early)

Little Miss Brooklyn! She is so cute!

The main star

I love this picture! Ashlee, Amber and I with our kids! Love ya girlies!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ode To Ross

Oh how I love you Ross
with all your clothes galore.
I can spend hours with you on end,
you are my favorite store.

Thank you for bringing me
so much happiness and joy.
You give me everything I need
and help me look stylishly coy.

The End

Monday, February 9, 2009

Another Good Friend

This picture was taken like 3 years ago, but Megan is still so much apart of my life. We met in the Washington Terrace Ward and served in the Young Women's program together (for like 2 years I think). So anyways, Megan and I still keep contact on a regular basis (it helps when we both work for the same organization too!) Megan is one who you always know will be there for you. She is so caring and so sweet! I know that there have been multiple times that I have been sick, and she has shown up at my door with some soup! She is always thinking of others and is so aware of others needs! Megan-you are the best and I am so glad that we are going to always be friends!
Girls Camp 06

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Latest Creations.

I've been finding more time lately to do my favorite hobby. So here is some of the most recent creations in the last month!

A Good Friend

So I always do a post about someone that has made a difference in my life and of whom I think greatly of! This time it is August! I have known August for about a year. We are in the same ward. She was the one who really helped me get involved with the ward. She is such an accepting person. The first time that we got together we told each other all our struggles, our problems, hopes and fears and she has never judged me for my mistakes or hard times. She helped me out so much in a time in my life when the days were a little too dark. She understood and gave me some great advice about what I was going through at the time. She has helped me to come out of my shell and to just accept what life has given me and what I can do with it all. I look up to August so much, I am so grateful that she is my friend-I know that she was heaven sent. She came at a time in my life when I needed a friend the most!

The Tree House

Last week Brody, Chase and I went to The Tree House with August and two of her little ones. We had a lot of fun! Brody did so good! He was just so involved with everything that was around him! He did this on his own. Look at how sweet!
Pres. Obama was even there!

Brody and Carson

Chase and Anna

Chase loved the map of Utah!